How do get the token mint address from a transaction signature in Solana web3?
Here's an example.
This is the transaction signature.
I want the token mint address so I can look up the metadata.
I can't figure out how to get the token mint from the transaction signature.
There are several ways you could do that.
You can check the instruction #5 i.e the Candy Machine: Mint instruction (code here) the mint account is the account number 6 (code) and the metadata account is the account number 5 (code)
In JS it would be something like:
import { Connection, clusterApiUrl } from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"));
async function getMint(tx: string) {
const result = await connection.getTransaction(tx);
const metadaIndex = result?.transaction.message.instructions[4].accounts[4];
const mintIndex = result?.transaction.message.instructions[4].accounts[5];
if (!metadaIndex || !mintIndex) {
throw new Error("Account not found");
return {
mint: result?.transaction.message.accountKeys[mintIndex],
metadata: result?.transaction.message.accountKeys[metadaIndex],
And it will return
mint: 'DzAP4MvZNzV6zUrAW9wKXzDrpgRmEPa1QHhrSBEB823W',
metadata: '4YR5CeLEZCF7qVpvHQfYoL84gQQb6uj5sGbaAqP2Eqgj'
Another solution would be to look at the instruction #4 i.e the Token Program: Mint To and extract the first key
In JS it would be
import { Connection, clusterApiUrl } from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"));
async function getMint(tx: string) {
const result = await connection.getTransaction(tx);
const mintIndex = result?.transaction.message.instructions[3].accounts[0];
if (!mintIndex) {
throw new Error("Account not found");
return {
mint: result?.transaction.message.accountKeys[mintIndex],
And it will return
{ mint: 'DzAP4MvZNzV6zUrAW9wKXzDrpgRmEPa1QHhrSBEB823W' }