After adding some data from csv file getting 415 status code in jmeter response. I am getting success in postman for same payload which is present in jmeter sample request header. But in jmeter it's showing error. Error is "{"type":"","title":"Unsupported Media Type","status":415,"traceId":"|fc0a70d2-46g24ac7bc010330.fc0a10d3_c9c4264_"}". I configured all the things properly. Please guide me how to fix that issue
You didn't configure at least "one thing" property: HTTP Header Manager. Add it to your Test Plan and set it up to send the same "Content-Type" header as Postman does
Most probably the value should be application/json
Also be aware that if you can successfully execute the request using Postman you can just record the request execution using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.