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How to pass props to custom header component using ag-grid?

I'm using Vue 3 with ag-grid and want to setup a new ColDef like so

const colDef: ColDef = {
  field: 'objectKey',
  headerComponent: ColumnHeader, // my custom component
  headerComponentParams: {
    foo: 'bar'

My ColumnHeader component defines its props for now

<script setup lang="ts">
const props = defineProps<{
  foo: string;

Running the app gives me the following error

[Vue warn]: Missing required prop: "foo" ...

This is because the whole props are undefined.

For reproduction purposes

Plunker snippet which is based on

You will get the error

Missing required prop: "name" ...

Based on it should work as expected I think. Does someone know what's wrong or missing?


  • your document clearly states 1. how to use headerComponent in columnDefs and 2. how parameters are passed down to custom header components.

    1. pass a component name as string, just like mounting an external component with <component />. It receives both component itself and mounted component's name in string. My guess is that AgGridVue also uses <component /> internally.
    // main.js
    data: function () {
        return {
          rowData: [
              foo: 'bar',
          columnDefs: [
              field: 'foo',
              headerComponent: 'CustomHeader',
              headerComponentParams: {
                name: 'test',

    When a Vue component is instantiated the grid will make the grid APIs, a number of utility methods as well as the cell and row values available to you via this.params - the interface for what is provided is documented below.

    1. modify ColumnHeader to use this.params instead of props.
    // customHeaderVue.js
    export default {
      template: `
            *{{ name }}*
      computed: {
        name() {

    working demo:

    edit: ag-grid's IHeaderParams does not support generics. to extend given type without generics, please use these methods.

    import type { IHeaderParams } from "ag-grid-community";
    // fig 1
    // combine with type intersection
    type CustomHeaderParams = IHeaderParams & { name: string };
    // fig2
    // combine with interface extension
    interface CustomHeaderParams extends IHeaderParams {
      name: string;

    here are typed examples of CustomHeader.vue

    // fig 1. Vue3 composition API, with <script setup>
    <script lang="ts" setup>
    import { defineProps, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
    import type { IHeaderParams } from "ag-grid-community";
    type CustomHeaderParams = IHeaderParams & { name: string };
    const props = defineProps<{ params: CustomHeaderParams }>();
    const name = ref(;
      <div>*{{ name }}*</div>
    // ------
    // 2. Vue3 options API, without <script setup>
    <script lang="ts">
    import { defineComponent, type PropType } from "vue";
    import type { IHeaderParams } from "ag-grid-community";
    type CustomHeaderParams = IHeaderParams & { name: string };
    export default defineComponent({
      props: {
        params: {
          type: Object as PropType<CustomHeaderParams>,
      setup(props) {
        return { name: props.params?.name ?? "" };
      <div>*{{ name }}*</div>

    note: I've suggested using the component's name in columnDefs.headerComponent because the official document says so, and seems fine in the working demo; but it actually depends on the Vue API. I assume it has something to do with Vue internal variable scope.

    • Vue Options API(Class based component): put component name string.
    • Vue Compositions API(Functional component): put the component variable itself.