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An argument or block definition is required here

I am using kubernetes_network_policy resource. I am trying loop over the ports and getting this issue.

│ Error: Argument or block definition required
│   on line 16, in resource "kubernetes_network_policy" "example-policy":
│   16:     { for i in range(length(val.egress_number)):
│ An argument or block definition is required here.

My Resource

resource "kubernetes_network_policy" "example-policy" {
  for_each = var.inputs
  metadata {
    name      =
    namespace = each.value.namespace
  spec {
    pod_selector {
      match_labels = {
        app = each.value.selector
    policy_types = each.value.policy

    egress {
    { for i in range(length(egress_number)):
      ports {
          port     = egress_number[i]
          protocol = egress_protocol[i]
      to {
        namespace_selector {
          match_labels = {
            app = each.value.egress_label


variable "inputs" {
  type = map(object({
    name            = string
    namespace       = string
    selector        = string
    policy          = list(string)
    egress_number   = list(string)
    egress_protocol = list(string)
    egress_label    = string
  default = {}

My tfvars

  inputs = {
    app = {
      name           = "nignx"
      namespace       = "default"
      selector        = "nignix-app"
      policy          = ["Egress"]
      egress_label    = "play"
      egress_number   = ["443", "8080"]
      egress_protocol = ["TCP", "TCP"]


  • You have to use dynamic blocks:

    resource "kubernetes_network_policy" "example-policy" {
      for_each = var.inputs
      metadata {
        name      =
        namespace = each.value.namespace
      spec {
        pod_selector {
          match_labels = {
            app = each.value.selector
        policy_types = each.value.policy
        dynamic "egress" {
            for_each = range(length(each.value.egress_number))
            content {
                ports {
                    port     = each.value.egress_number[egress.value]
                    protocol = each.value.egress_protocol[egress.value]
                to {
                    namespace_selector {
                        match_labels = {
                            app = each.value.egress_label

    Instead of using range and length, one could also use zipmap in your case.