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Google Sheets row to array

I need to create an array out of google sheets columns:

product feature_a feature_b feature_c Array
p1 1 1 1 ["feature_a","feature_b","feature_c",]
p2 0 1 0 ["feature_b",]
p3 1 0 0 ["feature_a",]
p4 0 0 0 []

Currently my formula is

=ArrayFormula(if(isblank(A2:A);"";"[" & if(B2:B = 1; concatenate(char(34);$B$1; char(34);char(44));"") & if(C2:C = 1; concatenate(char(34);$C$1; char(34);char(44));"") & if(D2:D = 1; concatenate(char(34);$D$1; char(34);char(44));"") & "]"))

Is there a more elegant way to achieve this, esp. without referencing each column individually? My original sheet has much more columns.

Google sheet: enter image description here


  • try:

     IF(B2:D=1; """"&B1:D1&""""; ));;9^9))); " "; ",")&"]"))

    enter image description here