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Individuals in multiple departments affecting grand total count

I have a report I am trying to simplify but I am running into an issue.

(Undesired) The rows/columns of the report currently look like the following.

Department Total Probation (%) Suspended (%)
All Employees 32 16.3 1.4
All Teams 30 23.5 2.2
Total Men's Teams 10 14.8 2.8
Total Women's Teams 10 34.3 1.4
Men's Wear 10 5.9 0.0
Women's Wear 10 21.4 0.0
UniSec Wear 10 15.0 6.3

This is happening because two people work on two teams. One person works in Mens Wear and UniSex Wear, and one person works in Women's Wear and UniSex Wear. The below table has records like this.

Col1 Col2
1234 Men's Wear
1234 UniSex Wear
9876 Women's Wear
9876 UniSex Wear

(Desired) Im looking for something like this.

Department Total Probation (%) Suspended (%)
All Employees 30 16.3 1.4
All Teams 30 23.5 2.2
Total Men's Teams 10 14.8 2.8
Total Women's Teams 10 34.3 1.4
Men's Wear 10 5.9 0.0
Women's Wear 10 21.4 0.0
UniSec Wear 10 15.0 6.3

I have thought about using LISTAGG() on Col2 to get this affect.

Col1 Col2
1234 Men's Wear,UniSex Wear
9876 Women's Wear,UniSex Wear

Using LISTAGG() gives me the correct count for "All Employees" but then I get groupings of "Men's Wear,UniSex Wear" instead of a separate one for "Men's Wear" and one for "UniSex Wear". Is it possible to group by the individual comma separated values in Col2 after they have been LISTAGG()'ed, or is there a better way of achieving my end results?

Any assistance on achieving this would be greatly appreciated.


  • I would advise correcting the All_Employees data alone instead of doing the LISTAGG. OR Use a separate table to LISTAGG and un-LISTAGG your data which is different from the original table used to calculate the Total, Probation and Suspended data

    For un-LISTAGG you can use the below example where table_two is your source table.

        d2 as (
            distinct id, 
              products, '[^,]+', 1, column_value
            ) as products 
            table_two cross 
            join TABLE(
                MULTISET (
                    dual CONNECT BY level <= REGEXP_COUNT(products, '[^,]+')
                ) AS sys.ODCINUMBERLIST