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Create a oauth-token for integration tests

We want to create a "long lasting" token for integration testing purposes. We are using a keycloak for creating tokens normally. But I don't see a possibility to create tokens with no expiration, so that reoccuring integration tests on dev-stage can be done without interuption.

What would you suggest for such automatically repeating testing regarding oauth?


  • All access token should expire at some point, that why the rfc details the use of refresh token, wich can be used indefinitly to keep your service running, the basic idea is that when you request an access token, you'll get an access token plus a refresh token, and when the first token expires, you send it to the keycloak server and it will regenerate a new access token and a new refresh token.

    In practice, you should use your token as long as its valid (since you know in advance it lifespan), and when your token is about to expire you resend the request using the refresh token.

    src: RFC oauth2