So I want my Robot to behave differently when the scanned robot it called "RamFire", and I tried doing this:
public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
if (getName() = "RamFire") {
// If the robot is called "RamFire" do this
else {
// If not, do this
But when I try to compile the code it says I made an error:
I'm new to Robocode and have never programmed with java so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
To compare values of variables you use ==
To assign a value to a variable, you use =
So in your case, you want to compare Values, so it should look like this:
if (getName() == "RamFire")
Or better yet, check the name via an equals
call. Because strings can differ from each other while having the same content.
new String("RamFire") == new String("RamFire") // returns false
new String("RamFire").equals(new String("RamFire")) // returns true