I'm writing some JS for Dynamics 365 which disables (locks) the fields on the selected editable subgrid row.
The method to do this is .setDisabled()
(Documentation). I can run the following method which will lock all the fields upon selecting a row:
function onGridRowSelected(context){
context.data.entity.attributes.forEach(function (attr) {
attr.controls.forEach(function (myField) {
The issue I am having is trying to run the above following a promise. I have the following code which will pass the result of a promise into my disable fields methods:
var gridContext;
function onGridRowSelected(context){
gridContext = context.getFormContext();
//Retrieve the record we want to check the value on
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("ms_approvalquery", "?$select=ms_responsetext&$top=1&$orderby=createdon desc")
.then(result => disableOrEnableFields(result));
function disableOrEnableFields(result){
//Check if the record found has a ms_responsetext != null
var foundResponse = false
if (result.entities[0].ms_responsetext != null){
foundResponse = true;
//Either disable/enable all the row columns depending on the value retrieved from the above
gridContext.data.entity.attributes.forEach(function (attr) {
attr.controls.forEach(function (myField) {
When stepping through debug, I can see that myField.setDisabled(true);
is getting called but nothing is happening. Is this because it's on a separate thread? How do I get back to the main thread with the result of my promise?
Note: Using Async/Await doesn't work either - it gives the same results.
we had similar issues few days back, unfortunately Async/Await/promise call does not respect grid control, you will have to go by old/classic Sync call way and then it shall work. Let me know if this solves your problem.