I'm trying to convert an old-style Visual Studio 2015 .net framework 4.8 project to an sdk-style project in VS 2019. Works quite well so far, but I'm struggling with the following requirements:
Althoug there seems to exist some support for resource handling and l10n with dotnet.exe (like the GenerateResource task, which, however, seems to have no support for the .restext format), I just can't figure out a way to accomplish this. (To me, the documentation available on this topic appears rather sparse and vague...)
Anyone any ideas how to set up a build satisfying the requirements described above?
Thanks to a lot of help on https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/26337, I'm almost there:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<!-- Include output folder for generated strongly typed text resources -->
<Folder Include="Properties" />
<!-- Prevent default handling of text resource files -->
<None Remove="Resources\Strings\*.restext" />
<!-- Use a copy of en-US-specific text resource file for neutral-language resource generation -->
<Target Name="CreateNeturalLanguageTextResource" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
<Message Text="Creating neutral language text resource" />
<Copy SourceFiles="Resources\Strings\Strings.en-US.restext" DestinationFiles="Resources\Strings\Strings.restext" />
<!-- Text resources handling -->
<!-- Generate binary und strongly typed resource from neutral language text resource file -->
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\Strings\Strings.restext">
<!-- Generate language-specific resources (binary only) -->
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\Strings\Strings.en-US.restext"/>
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\Strings\Strings.de-DE.restext"/>
A .cspoj file like this gives me a strongly typed C# resource file called Strings.cs, with the properties defined therein being readily accessbile while coding. When compiling the project -- be it from within Visual studio, be it using dotnet.exe -- I also get satellite assemblies at the expected locations (i. e. language-code subdirectories).
Alas, when trying to run the compiled application, it crashes saying that no resource is found, neither for the current nor the neutral language (which should be en-US according to the project's tag.
Any ideas why no resources are found at runtime?
---- Edit 2022-06-07:
It's working now, thanks to another lead by the dotnet sdk people -- an additional
inside the EmbeddedResource tag used for strongly typed resource generation does the trick.