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Django DB Migration InconsistentMigrationHistory when running migrate

I am unable to migrate my django after running python ./ migrate.

This is what showmigrations is displaying

 [X] 0001_initial
 [X] 0002_user_industry
 [X] 0003_auto_20220209_1737
 [X] 0004_userconfiguration_night_surcharge_exempt
 [ ] 0005_auto_20220614_1100
 [X] 0006_orderdelivery_is_order_unique
 [ ] 0007_orderdelivery_client_reference_no

I have tried --fake as well as trying to move back by one migrate using

python ./ migrate <app_name> <000x_migrate_file>

all these is not working as the exeception keeps prompting InconsistentMigrationHistory. I have tried deleting the migration folders as well (keeping init only) but does not work as well.


  • So Django admin expects a default auth model which is AUTH_USER_MODEL. Admin app apply migration as django's auth model Now since you changes the dependency hence the error. Please follow the below steps

    1. Take a backup of your database
    2. Comment out your created app in INSTALLED_APPS and AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'account.User' in your in project folder
    3. Run python admin zero
    4. Uncomment lines commented in step 2
    5. Run python migrate