I am unable to use C++ dependency injection library "boost::di" with another boost library for dynamic loading of libraries named "Boost.dll".
I broke down the problem into two parts - firstly, Testing dynamic loading, and secondly, binding the abstract class to implementation (which is loaded dynamically).
I am able to successfully load the libraries dynamically. But when I am trying to use Dependency injection binding then It is reporting the mismatch that class template is expected and not received.
I have a very basic sample code in this repo: https://bitbucket.org/kobe_la/boost-plugins-prework/src/master/
I would really use some help in figuring out the binding process for dynamically loaded library. (see exact error at bottom)
File ioperation.hpp
#include <string>
class ioperation {
virtual std::string name() const = 0;
virtual float calculate(float x, float y) = 0;
virtual ~ioperation() {}
File sum.cpp
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/alias.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include "ioperation.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace sum_namespace {
class sum: public ioperation {
sum() {
std::cout << "[sum_constructor]" << std::endl;
std::string name() const {
return "sum";
float calculate(float x, float y) {
return x + y;
~sum() {
std::cout << "[~sum_destructor]" << std::endl;
// Factory method
static boost::shared_ptr<sum> create_sum() {
return boost::shared_ptr<sum>(
new sum()
sum_namespace::sum::create_sum, // <-- this function is exported with...
create_sum // <-- ...this alias name
File dot_product.cpp
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/alias.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "ioperation.hpp"
namespace dot_product_namespace {
class dot_product: public ioperation {
boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> sum_ptr;
dot_product(boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> &arg) {
sum_ptr = arg;
std::cout << "[dot_product_constructor]" << std::endl;
std::string name() const {
return "dot_product";
float calculate(float a1, float a2) {
//dot product given vector with itself
//formula: a.b = a1*b1 + a2*b2
return sum_ptr->calculate(a1*a1, a2*a2);
// Factory method
static boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> create_dot_product(boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> sum_ptr) {
return boost::shared_ptr<ioperation>(
new dot_product(sum_ptr)
~dot_product() {
std::cout << "[~dot_product_destructor]" << std::endl;
dot_product_namespace::dot_product::create_dot_product, // <-- this function is exported with...
create_dot_product // <-- ...this alias name
File application_di.cpp
#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include "boost/function.hpp"
#include <boost/di.hpp>
#include "ioperation.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace di = boost::di;
namespace dll = boost::dll;
class app {
boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> ptr_;
app(boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> ptr)
: ptr_(ptr)
std::cout<<"name: " << ptr_->name()<<std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
//setting up paths to library(.so) files
boost::filesystem::path shared_library_path("."); // argv[1] contains path to directory with our plugin library
boost::filesystem::path child_library_path = shared_library_path/"dot_product";
boost::filesystem::path parent_library_path = shared_library_path/"sum";
//defining function types for lib constructors
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> (sum_create_t)();
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> (dot_product_create_t)(boost::shared_ptr<ioperation>);
boost::function<sum_create_t> sum_creator;
boost::function<dot_product_create_t> dot_product_creator;
//importing SUM lib constructor(takes no arg)
sum_creator = boost::dll::import_alias<sum_create_t>( // type of imported symbol must be explicitly specified
parent_library_path, // path to library
"create_sum", // symbol to import
dll::load_mode::append_decorations // do append extensions and prefixes
//importing DOT_PRODUCT lib constructor(takes 1 arg of ptr to IOPERATION)
dot_product_creator = boost::dll::import_alias<dot_product_create_t>( // type of imported symbol must be explicitly specified
child_library_path, // path to library
"create_dot_product", // symbol to import
dll::load_mode::append_decorations // do append extensions and prefixes
//creating a ptr to SUM object
boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> sum_ptr = sum_creator();
//creating a ptr to DOT_PRODUCT object(passing above created SUM object ptr)
boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> dot_product_ptr = dot_product_creator(sum_ptr);
auto use_sum = true;
const auto injector = di::make_injector(
di::bind<ioperation>().to([&](const auto& injector) -> boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> {
if (use_sum)
return injector.template create<boost::shared_ptr<sum_ptr>>();
return injector.template create<boost::shared_ptr<dot_product_ptr>>();
File application_main.cpp
#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include "boost/function.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "ioperation.hpp"
namespace dll = boost::dll;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
//setting up paths to library(.so) files
boost::filesystem::path shared_library_path(argv[1]); // argv[1] contains path to directory with our plugin library
boost::filesystem::path child_library_path = shared_library_path/"dot_product";
boost::filesystem::path parent_library_path = shared_library_path/"sum";
//defining function types for lib constructors
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> (sum_create_t)();
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> (dot_product_create_t)(boost::shared_ptr<ioperation>);
boost::function<sum_create_t> sum_creator;
boost::function<dot_product_create_t> dot_product_creator;
//importing SUM lib constructor(takes no arg)
sum_creator = boost::dll::import_alias<sum_create_t>( // type of imported symbol must be explicitly specified
parent_library_path, // path to library
"create_sum", // symbol to import
dll::load_mode::append_decorations // do append extensions and prefixes
//importing DOT_PRODUCT lib constructor(takes 1 arg of ptr to IOPERATION)
dot_product_creator = boost::dll::import_alias<dot_product_create_t>( // type of imported symbol must be explicitly specified
child_library_path, // path to library
"create_dot_product", // symbol to import
dll::load_mode::append_decorations // do append extensions and prefixes
//creating a ptr to PARENT_PLUGIN_SUM objecti
boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> sum_ptr = sum_creator();
//creating a ptr to CHILD_PLUGIN_MULT object(passing above created PARENT_PLUGIN_SUM object ptr)
boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> dot_product_ptr = dot_product_creator(sum_ptr);
//executing calculate methods for object ptrs
std::cout << "Plugin Name: " << sum_ptr->name() << std::endl;
std::cout << "sum_ptr->calculate(1, 2)[expected=3]: " << sum_ptr->calculate(1, 2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Plugin Name: " << dot_product_ptr->name() << std::endl;
std::cout << "dot_product_ptr->calculate(1, 2)[expected=5]: " << dot_product_ptr->calculate(1, 2) << std::endl;
Below is the exact error observed:
+ echo '=> Compiling libraries and application_main.cpp ...'
=> Compiling libraries and application_main.cpp ...
+ g++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -c -o libsum.o sum.cpp
+ g++ -shared -o libsum.so libsum.o
+ g++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -c -o libdot_product.o dot_product.cpp
+ g++ -shared -o libdot_product.so libdot_product.o
+ g++ -std=c++14 -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -ldl application_main.cpp -o application_main
+ echo '=> Compilation completed. '
=> Compilation completed.
+ echo '=> Executing ./application_main .'
=> Executing ./application_main .
+ ./application_main .
Plugin Name: sum
sum_ptr->calculate(1, 2)[expected=3]: 3
Plugin Name: dot_product
dot_product_ptr->calculate(1, 2)[expected=5]: 5
+ echo ==================================
+ echo '=> Compiling application_di.cpp ...'
=> Compiling application_di.cpp …
+ g++ application_di.cpp -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -ldl -o application_di
application_di.cpp: In lambda function:
application_di.cpp:62:65: error: type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template parameter list for ‘template<class T> class boost::shared_ptr’
62 | return injector.template create<boost::shared_ptr<sum_ptr>>();
| ^~~~~~~
application_di.cpp:62:65: note: expected a type, got ‘sum_ptr’
application_di.cpp:64:65: error: type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template parameter list for ‘template<class T> class boost::shared_ptr’
64 | return injector.template create<boost::shared_ptr<dot_product_ptr>>();
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
application_di.cpp:64:65: note: expected a type, got ‘dot_product_ptr’
Shared pointer is the problem. The bind<>
template argument cannot be a pointer or reference type
There's some information about why pointers are disallowed in
: https://github.com/boost-ext/di/issues/317
I figured out a working way to bind the dependency:
const auto injector =
[=, &use_sum](const auto& injector) -> op_ptr
return use_sum
? sum_creator()
: dot_product_creator(sum_creator());
}) //
Note that capturing the factory functions by value keeps the DLL around as long as the injector exists. This is safer than capturing by reference. Capturing the
by reference highlights that the injector is dynamic. If that's not required, then I'd replace the whole injector with:const auto injector = di::make_injector(di::bind<ioperation>().to( use_sum ? sum_creator() : dot_product_creator(sum_creator())) // );
See also Github: https://github.com/sehe/boost-plugins-prework
File ioperation.hpp
#pragma once
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <string>
struct ioperation {
virtual std::string name() const = 0;
virtual float calculate(float x, float y) = 0;
virtual ~ioperation() = default;
using op_ptr = boost::shared_ptr<ioperation>;
File sum.cpp
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/alias.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include "ioperation.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace sum_namespace {
class sum : public ioperation {
sum() { std::cout << "[sum_constructor]" << std::endl; }
std::string name() const { return "sum"; }
float calculate(float x, float y) { return x + y; }
~sum() { std::cout << "[~sum_destructor]" << std::endl; }
// Factory method
static op_ptr create_sum() { return op_ptr(new sum()); }
} // namespace sum_namespace
sum_namespace::sum::create_sum, // <-- this function is exported with...
create_sum // <-- ...this alias name
File sum.hpp
#pragma once
#include "ioperation.hpp"
#include "ioperation.hpp"
namespace sum_namespace {
struct sum : ioperation {
~sum() override;
std::string name() const override;
float calculate(float, float) override;
static op_ptr create_sum();
} // namespace sum_namespace
File dot_product.cpp
#include "dot_product.h"
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/alias.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace dot_product_namespace {
dot_product::dot_product(op_ptr& arg) {
sum_ptr = arg;
std::cout << "[dot_product_constructor]" << std::endl;
std::string dot_product::name() const { return "dot_product"; }
float dot_product::calculate(float a1, float a2) {
// dot product given vector with itself
// formula: a.b = a1*b1 + a2*b2
return sum_ptr->calculate(a1 * a1, a2 * a2);
// Factory method
/*static*/ op_ptr dot_product::create_dot_product(op_ptr sum_ptr) {
return op_ptr(new dot_product(sum_ptr));
dot_product::~dot_product() {
std::cout << "[~dot_product_destructor]" << std::endl;
}; // namespace dot_product_namespace
create_dot_product, // <-- this function is exported with...
create_dot_product // <-- ...this alias name
File dot_product.h
#pragma once
#include "ioperation.hpp"
namespace dot_product_namespace {
struct dot_product : ioperation {
~dot_product() override;
std::string name() const override;
float calculate(float, float) override;
static op_ptr create_dot_product(op_ptr sum_ptr);
op_ptr sum_ptr;
}; // namespace dot_product_namespace
File application_di.cpp
#include "boost/function.hpp"
#include "ioperation.hpp"
#include <boost/di.hpp>
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace di = boost::di;
namespace dll = boost::dll;
class app {
op_ptr ptr_;
app(boost::shared_ptr<ioperation> ptr)
: ptr_(ptr)
std::cout << "name: " << ptr_->name() << std::endl;
using boost::filesystem::path;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// setting up paths to library(.so) files
path lib_path(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "."),
child_library_path = lib_path / "dot_product",
parent_library_path = lib_path / "sum";
// defining function types for lib constructors
using sum_create_t = op_ptr();
using dot_product_create_t = op_ptr(op_ptr);
// importing SUM lib factory
auto sum_creator = boost::dll::import_alias<sum_create_t>(
// importing DOT_PRODUCT lib factory
auto dot_product_creator =
auto use_sum = true;
const auto injector =
[=, &use_sum](const auto& injector) -> op_ptr
return use_sum
? sum_creator()
: dot_product_creator(sum_creator());
}) //
use_sum = argc > 2;
File application_main.cpp
#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
#include <boost/dll/import.hpp>
#include "boost/function.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "ioperation.hpp"
namespace dll = boost::dll;
using boost::filesystem::path;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// setting up paths to library(.so) files
path lib_path(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "."),
child_library_path = lib_path / "dot_product",
parent_library_path = lib_path / "sum";
// defining function types for lib constructors
using sum_create_t = op_ptr();
using dot_product_create_t = op_ptr(op_ptr);
// importing SUM lib factory
auto sum_creator = dll::import_alias<sum_create_t>(
// importing DOT_PRODUCT lib factory
auto dot_product_creator =
auto sum_ptr = sum_creator();
auto dot_product_ptr = dot_product_creator(sum_ptr);
//executing calculate methods for object ptrs
for (op_ptr op : {sum_creator(), dot_product_creator(sum_creator()) }) {
std::cout << "\nPlugin Name: " << op->name() << "\n";
std::cout << "calculate(1, 2): " << op->calculate(1, 2) << "\n";
File compile_n_run.sh
set -e -x -u
echo "=> Compiling now..."
CPPFLAGS="-std=c++14 -fPIC -I /home/sehe/custom/boost-di/include/"
# Required to compile on sehe's machine:
#CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I /home/sehe/custom/boost-di/include/"
#CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -isystem /home/sehe/custom/superboost/ ";
#LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L /home/sehe/custom/superboost/stage/lib"
g++ $CPPFLAGS sum.cpp -shared -o libsum.so $LDFLAGS
g++ $CPPFLAGS dot_product.cpp -shared -o libdot_product.so $LDFLAGS
# add application libraries
LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -ldl"
g++ $CPPFLAGS application_main.cpp -o application_main $LDFLAGS
g++ $CPPFLAGS application_di.cpp -o application_di $LDFLAGS
./application_main .
./application_di . use_sum
./application_di . # uses dot_product
Using compile_n_run.sh
+ ./cleanup.sh
removed 'application_main'
removed 'libdot_product.so'
removed 'libsum.so'
=> cleaned up!
+ echo '=> Compiling now...'
=> Compiling now...
+ CPPFLAGS='-std=c++14 -fPIC -I /home/sehe/custom/boost-di/include/'
+ g++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -I /home/sehe/custom/boost-di/include/ sum.cpp -shared -o libsum.so
+ g++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -I /home/sehe/custom/boost-di/include/ dot_product.cpp -shared -o libdot_product.so
+ LDFLAGS=' -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -ldl'
+ g++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -I /home/sehe/custom/boost-di/include/ application_main.cpp -o application_main -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -ldl
+ g++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -I /home/sehe/custom/boost-di/include/ application_di.cpp -o application_di -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -ldl
+ ./application_main .
Plugin Name: sum
calculate(1, 2): 3
Plugin Name: dot_product
calculate(1, 2): 5
+ ./application_di . use_sum
name: sum
+ ./application_di .
name: dot_product