I want to use a formula to input a date and get the previous trading day's closing price.
I have been unable to find a solution online. When looking, I found the "closeyest" attribute, but it seems this doesn't allow you to enter a date.
I have tried subtracting 1 from the date to get the previous day. However, when the previous day is when markets are closed (such as a weekend), the closing price I get is the same as the date inputted.
For example, the closing price of Google on June 24 (Friday) was 2370.76 and June 27 (Monday) was 2332.45. I want a formula which would give the closing price of June 24 when given the date of June 27. I have tried the following formula:
But this gives the closing price of June 27 (2332.45). (Note the date would be a reference to another cell.)
parameter to limit the final datesearch_key
as the data is sorted=LOOKUP(9^99,GOOGLEFINANCE("GOOG","close","27/6/22"-8, "27/6/22"))