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React/firebase: show error message in jsx

I would be happy to get any help. I would like to show authentication message in jsx but so far I am only able to throw alerts. I wanted to implement useState() with catch block inside handleSignUp a some reason handleSignUp never manages to catch errors. Here is the current state of my functions.

const [validation, setValidation] = useState("");

async function signUp(name, email, password) {
    createUserWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password)
      //add user to database
      .then(async (userCredential) => {
        const user = userCredential.user; 
        const docRef = doc(allUsers, user.uid);
        await setDoc(docRef, { name: name, email: email });
      .catch((error) => {
        if (error.code == "auth/email-already-in-use") {
          alert("The email address is already in use");
        } else if (error.code == "auth/invalid-email") {
            alert("The email address is not valid.");
        } else if (error.code == "auth/operation-not-allowed") {
            alert("Operation not allowed.");
        } else if (error.code == "auth/weak-password") {
            alert("The password is too weak.");
      } );


 const handleSignUp = async (e) =>{ 
    if((pwdRef.current.value.length|| pwdConfirmRef.current.value.length)<6){
      setValidation("Le mot de passe doit contenir 6 caractères minimum ")
     if(pwdRef.current.value !== pwdConfirmRef.current.value){
      setValidation("Les mots de passe saisis ne correspondent pas")
      await signUp(nameRef.current.value, emailRef.current.value, pwdRef.current.value);

<form ref={formRef} onSubmit = {handleSignUp}>
     <p className="validation">{validation}</p>


  • You can try below code, It has shifted from createUserWithEmailAndPassword.then to await createUserWithEmailAndPassword and a try catch block, give it a try.

        const [validation, setValidation] = useState("");
        async function signUp(name, email, password) {
    try {
    const userCredential = await createUserWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
     const user = userCredential.user; 
                const docRef = doc(allUsers, user.uid);
                await setDoc(docRef, { name: name, email: email });
              //add user to database
    } catch(error) {
       if (error.code == "auth/email-already-in-use") {
                  setValidation("The email address is already in use");
                  // alert();
                } else if (error.code == "auth/invalid-email") {
                  setValidation("The email address is not valid.");
                } else if (error.code == "auth/operation-not-allowed") {
                  setValidation("Operation not allowed.");
                } else if (error.code == "auth/weak-password") {
                  setValidation("The password is too weak.");
         const handleSignUp = async (e) =>{ 
            if((pwdRef.current.value.length|| pwdConfirmRef.current.value.length)<6){
              setValidation("Le mot de passe doit contenir 6 caractères minimum ")
             if(pwdRef.current.value !== pwdConfirmRef.current.value){
              setValidation("Les mots de passe saisis ne correspondent pas")
              await signUp(nameRef.current.value, emailRef.current.value, pwdRef.current.value);
        <form ref={formRef} onSubmit = {handleSignUp}>
             <p className="validation">{validation}</p>