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Displaying D3.js Chart with Django Backend

I am learning to build dashboard using Django as backend and D3.js for visualization.

Following is my index.html:

{% load static %}
<script src=""></script>
    <h1> Hello! </h1>
    <script src={% static "js\linechart.js" %}>
        var data = {{ AAPL|safe }};
        var chart = LineChart(data, {
        x: d =>,
        y: d => d.close,
        yLabel: "↑ Daily close ($)",
        height: 500,
        color: "steelblue"

Data AAPl is extracted from database and the is as follows:

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
from cnxn import mysql_access
import pandas as pd

# Create your views here.
def homepage(request):
    sql = ''' select Date, Close from tbl_historical_prices where ticker = 'AAPL' '''
    cnxn = mysql_access()
    conn = cnxn.connect()
    df = pd.read_sql(sql, con=conn)
    context = {'AAPL':df.to_json()}
    return render(request, 'index.html', context=context)

Function line chart can be viewed here which is being used in js\linechat.js in index.html file.

I can see the Hello! being displayed on the page but can't see the line chart. I am unable to debug the problem. No errors found in console tab either.

How can I display the line plot?

I've added the current page display in attached image.

enter image description here


  • Close off your script with a src and start a new script tag. The presence of src precludes internal code.

    <script src={% static "js\linechart.js" %}></script>