I'm developing a Nike SNKRS BOT to buy shoes with Puppeteer and Node.js.
I'm having issues to distinguish and .click()
Size button screenshot of html devtools and front end buttons
That's my code: i'm not experienced so i have tried everything
const xpathButton = '//*
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const productUrl = 'https://www.nike.com/it/launch/t/air-max-97-coconut-
const idAcceptCookies = "button[class='ncss-btn-primary-dark btn-lg']"
async function givePage(){
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false})
const page = await browser.newPage();
return page;
async function addToCart(page){
await page.goto(urlProdotto);
await page.waitForSelector(idAcceptCookies);
await page.click(idAcceptCookies,elem => elem.click());
//this is where the issues begin
//attempt 1
await page.evaluate(() => document.getElementsByClassName('size-grid-
dropdown size-grid-button"')[1].click());
//attempt 2
const sizeButton = "button[class='size-grid-dropdown size-grid-button']
await page.waitForSelector(sizeButton);
await page.click(sizeButton,elem => elem.click());
//attempt 3
await page.click(xpathButton)
//attempt 4
document.evaluate("//button[contains ( ., '36')]", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue
async function checkout(){
var page = await givePage();
await addToCart(page)
Attempt number 2 looks like the best approach, except your selector is wrong. The button
does not have a name
attribute, according to your screenshot, so you will need another approach, closer to attempt 3.
You can use puppeteer to select an element by with xpath
, and xpath
allows you to select by an element's text content.
Try this:
await page.waitForXPath('//button[contains(text(), "EU 36")]')
const [button] = await page.$x('//button[contains(text(), "EU 36")]')
await button.click()
Because the xpath selector is returning an array of element handles, I destructure the first element in the array (which should be the only match), and assign it a value of button. That element handle can now be clicked.