Search code examples

Angular ngRx Dispatch Second Action with data from First Action

im working in Angular 13 project and i use ngRx store, i have the following effects that works fine :

searchEnterpriseEffect: Observable<Action> = createEffect(

    () => this.effectActions.pipe(


        switchMap((action: EnterpriseActions) => {

            return this.enterpriseService.getEnterpriseById(action.payload)
                    map((enterprise) => new SearchEnterpriseActionSuccess(enterprise)),

                    catchError((err) => of(new SearchEnterpriseActionError(err.status)))

my issue is that i want to get the enterprise object Id after SearchEnterpriseActionSuccess finish then dispatch a new store action called SearchDemandeData(enterpriseId) that takes the data from state returned by previous action.

do you have any idea please how i can do this correctly.



  • You should create other effect that listens to SearchEnterpriseActionSuccess, extract the id from the enterprise and dispatch the new action SearchDemandeData with the extracted id.

    I don't know your exact implementation, but it should be something similar to the following.

    searchDemandeOnEnterpriseSuccessEffect: Observable<Action> = createEffect(
      () => this.effectActions.pipe(
        // filter by SearchEnterpriseActionSuccess
        // map the action to SearchDemandeData Action using the enterprise id
        map((action: SearchEnterpriseActionSuccess) => 
          (new SearchDemandeData(
