I am using Azure storage .NET SDK for managing Data lake Gen2 storage ACLs. It is working fine for retrieving ACLs from files and directories inside Blob container, but it throws an error for the container itself.
To better illustrate the problem here are my blob containers, the one I am accessing is called data
When I am retrieving ACLs from, for example, data/MyFolder2
path, the method works fine, but not if I try with data
Error that is being thrown:
Service request failed.\r\nStatus: 400 (Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid.)\r\n\r\nHeaders:\r\nServer: Windows-Azure-HDFS/1.0,Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0\r\nx-ms-request-id: 89561112-8b6877000000\r\nDate: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 16:42:47 GMT\r\n
This my code:
string container = "data";
string folderPath = "MyFolder2";
DataLakeServiceClient dataLakeClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(mySASconnectionString);
DataLakeDirectoryClient dirClient = dataLakeClient.GetFileSystemClient(container).GetDirectoryClient(directoryPath);
Azure.Response<PathAccessControl> accessControlReponse = dirClient.GetAccessControl();
I have all permissions required since I am connecting as storage account owner.
The way to retrieve ACls from Blob container (root directory) is to initialize client as shown below:
string container = "data";
DataLakeServiceClient dataLakeClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(mySASconnectionString);
DataLakeFileSystemClient fileSystemClient = dataLakeClient.GetFileSystemClient(container);
DataLakePathClient client = new DataLakePathClient(fileSystemClient, "/");
Azure.Response<PathAccessControl> accessControlReponse = client.GetAccessControl();
The problem was while looping from target directory to its root, method DataLakePathClient.GetParentDirectoryClient()
was returning URI of the root path with the missing '/' which was causing errors.