Using something like this code is there anyway of passing a html anchor to jump to a particular place in the page when it has been submitted?
Im using this code above for a dropdown menu which submits after selection, but i also need it to pass a page anchor.. is this doable?
many thanks
ps The anchor will depend on which dropdown menu was used. There are, for example, around 40 dropdown menus in a page.. so when you get over 20 you have to keep scrolling down to select the next one.. this is why i need the page, after submitting, to jump to the last dropdown used... Hope this makes sense.
Set the action of the form to url#your-hash
right before you submit.
function change_url(form, hash) {
form.setAttribute("action", "" + hash);
document.querySelectorAll("select").forEach(function(elem) {
elem.addEventListener("change", function() {
var hash = this.getAttribute("name");
var form = this.closest("form")
change_url(form, hash);
<h1>fill the form</h1>
<form action="" method="get" onsubmit="change_url(this); return false">
<a name="sel1"></a>
<select name="sel1">
<div style="height:500px"></div>
<a name="sel2"></a>
<select name="sel2">
<div style="height:500px"></div>
<a name="sel3"></a>
<select name="sel3">
<div style="height:500px"></div>