So I'm trying to port some cocos2d iOS apps over to Android and it looks like WiEngine is the most fully featured port of cocos2d to android ( ), however I'm having issues getting the skeleton project to run. The latest problem I'm running into is I get a "Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Lcom/wiyun/engine/skeleton/Skeleton" error in the ADB. I'm trying to run it in the emulator which also may be an issue. I'm kind of stuck because i need to see if I can get certain things to work (particle effects etc) before i can justify a hardware purchase.
Originally I tried to import the Skeleton project into eclipse but ran into too many errors so i created a blank android project with the same package name as the skeleton project and added the libraries to the build path through properties>libraries>add external Jars
the project compiles but it crashes as soon as it tries to initialize the Skeleton class here is the console stuff:
Appreciate any help on this.
You have to include JNI accessible precompiled libraries to you project. You can find them on the SDK archive.