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I'm unable to get WiEngine skeleton project to run

So I'm trying to port some cocos2d iOS apps over to Android and it looks like WiEngine is the most fully featured port of cocos2d to android ( ), however I'm having issues getting the skeleton project to run. The latest problem I'm running into is I get a "Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Lcom/wiyun/engine/skeleton/Skeleton" error in the ADB. I'm trying to run it in the emulator which also may be an issue. I'm kind of stuck because i need to see if I can get certain things to work (particle effects etc) before i can justify a hardware purchase.

Originally I tried to import the Skeleton project into eclipse but ran into too many errors so i created a blank android project with the same package name as the skeleton project and added the libraries to the build path through properties>libraries>add external Jars

the project compiles but it crashes as soon as it tries to initialize the Skeleton class here is the console stuff:

Appreciate any help on this.




  • You have to include JNI accessible precompiled libraries to you project. You can find them on the SDK archive.

    enter image description here