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Could not create unique index "" when I use string PK

I have the following entities:

public class File
    public string Name { get; set; }


public class FamilyTree
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FileName { get; set; }
    public File File { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }

My ApplicationDbContext.cs has the following configuration:

            .HasOne(x => x.File)
            .HasForeignKey<FamilyTree>(x => x.FileName)

Now I'm trying to make a migration and apply:

$ dotnet ef migrations add
$ dotnet ef database update

But I see the following error:

  Exception data:
    Severity: ERROR
    SqlState: 23505
    MessageText: could not create unique index "IX_FamilyTrees_FileName"
    Detail: Detail redacted as it may contain sensitive data. Specify 'Include Error Detail' in the connection string to include this information.
    SchemaName: public
    TableName: FamilyTrees
    ConstraintName: IX_FamilyTrees_FileName
    File: tuplesort.c
    Line: 4295
    Routine: comparetup_index_btree
23505: could not create unique index "IX_FamilyTrees_FileName"

What is wrong? I use .NET 6 and postgres


  • It seems I just had data in the FamilyTrees table that interfered me to perform the migration somehow. What a pity that I did not receive an appropriate message.