I have a iFrame which has CDN source. but CDN'S html is not responding to postMessage API of JS. As far as I know, postMessage API is suppose to work cross domain. Here is my code:
Main App:
<iframe ref={elemRef} style={{position: 'relative', height: '90vh', width: '100%'}} id={'myIframe'} src='http://d34gxw3jqlasaag.cloudfront.net/sampletemplate2.html' frameBorder="0"></iframe>
const elemRef = useCallback((node) => {
console.log("node: ", node);
frame = document.getElementById("myIframe");
console.log("frame: ", frame)
if (node !== null) {
// frame.contentWindow.postMessage({call:'sendValue', value: {task: {input: taskInput}}});
setTimeout(() => {
frame.contentWindow.postMessage({call:'sendValue', value: {task: {input: taskInput}}});
}, 500);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My first HTML document</title>
const cloudFrontUrl = 'http://localhost:3333/build';
const moduleScript = document.createElement('script');
moduleScript.setAttribute('type', 'module');
moduleScript.setAttribute('src', `${cloudFrontUrl}/studios.esm.js`);
const nomoduleScript = document.createElement('script');
nomoduleScript.setAttribute('nomodule', '');
nomoduleScript.setAttribute('src', `${cloudFrontUrl}/studios.js`);
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
var origin = event.origin
// if (origin !== /*the container's domain url*/)
// return;
console.log("Received event.....: ", event)
if (typeof event.data == 'object' && event.data.call=='sendValue') {
// Do something with event.data.value;
console.log("task.input: ", event.data.value.task)
const data = event.data.value.task.input
const htmlEncodedTaskInput = JSON.stringify(data.taskInput).replaceAll("\"",""");
console.log("data: ", data);
console.log("htmlEncodedTaskInput: ", htmlEncodedTaskInput)
//Load the requested template dynamically
const template = `<task-loader domain="'beta'"
document.getElementById("placeholder").innerHTML = template;
}, false);
<div id="placeholder"></div>
It's worth to note that if I put the file sampletemplate2.html
inside main window's sub folder, it responses fine. But it doesn't respond when I try through CDN
Although postMessage
works cross-domain, you must in that case specify the second parameter (targetOrigin
), which, in this case, seem to be http://d34gxw3jqlasaag.cloudfront.net