i'm querying a table through entity manager, it returns a resultList but it only returns the values and not the column names (ss attached) which is obvious because I am not providing the Entity class to map the result to. i can not provide the exact entity class as the scenario i'm dealing with is dynamic and i do not know what entity will be returned in the resultSet which is why i have only provided a parent class which is not a mapped entity. however i do know that the entity will contain a specific columns and they are known. is there a way i can map this resultSet to a class on modify it to return the column names as well?
Query emQuery = entityManager.createNativeQuery(query.toString());
List<MasterDataSource> objectList = emQuery.getResultList();
here are the contents of the list returned which shows that it's not returning the name rather values only.
Parent class is below
figured it out, use @SqlResultSetMapping
and provide the column names and types.
@SqlResultSetMapping(name="datasourceResult", classes = {
@ConstructorResult(targetClass = MasterDataSource.class,
columns = {@ColumnResult(name="id", type = Long.class), @ColumnResult(name="data", type = String.class),
@ColumnResult(name="account_id", type = String.class),@ColumnResult(name="data_type", type = String.class),
@ColumnResult(name="create_datetime", type = String.class),@ColumnResult(name="data_interface", type = String.class),
@ColumnResult(name="record_seq_no", type = Integer.class),@ColumnResult(name="source_file_name", type = String.class),
@ColumnResult(name="source_file_path", type = String.class),@ColumnResult(name="destination", type = String.class),
@ColumnResult(name="is_processed", type = Boolean.class)})
this requires a constructor for all above fields since I am using @ConstructorResult
use the name of the of the @SqlResultSetMapping
in your createNativeQuery call
Query emQuery = entityManager.createNativeQuery(query.toString(), "datasourceResult");
List<yourType> objectList = emQuery.getResultList();