Netbeans 8 works quite well with Grails. I can click New Project to create a new Grails project. Netbeans 8 can show the project with Domain, Controller, Views folders on the left nicely. I can even debug the project with breakpoint. Netbeans 8 only works well with Grails 2. But at lease it can show the project folder structures nicely with newer versions of Grails like 4 and 5.
Netbeans 14 is missing all of these with/without the default Groovy plugin. It can't even open a simple Helloworld Grails project I create using the grails create-app helloworld
I googled Netbeans and Grails but the posts were quite outdated from many years ago. They said to use the Netbeans 8 Groovy plugin.
Is there any updated way to setup Netbeans 14 to work with Grails?
I attached 2 pictures. One is how it looks with 14. The other is how it looks with 8.
Unfortunately, I think the answer to your question is that Netbeans 14 does not support Grails. It's tough to prove a negative, but there is very strong circumstantial evidence of that being the case: