I use next-auth.js with Google as my login provider and Django as my backend. To protect pages in next.js, I am trying to integrate next-auth.js with next.js middleware. Reference link
The issue I have is when the user is logged out, the middleware correctly routes to the login page. But after successful login, the user is redirected to the login page again. What am I missing?
export { default } from "next-auth/middleware"
export const config = { matcher: ["/jobs/:path*", "/accounts/:path*", "/profile/:path*", "/uploads/:path*"] }
import axios from "axios";
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import Google from "next-auth/providers/google";
import { isJwtExpired } from "../../../constants/Utils";
async function refreshAccessToken(token) {
try {
const response = await axios.post(
process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_BASE + "/api/auth/token/refresh/", {
refresh: token.refreshToken
const { access, refresh } = response.data;
return {
accessToken: access,
refreshToken: refresh,
} catch (error) {
return {
error: "RefreshTokenError"
export default NextAuth({
providers: [
clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
authorization: {
params: {
access_type: "offline",
response_type: "code",
scope:'openid profile email'
callbacks: {
async jwt({ token, user, account}) {
// Initial sign in
if (account && user) {
if (account.provider === "google") {
const { access_token: accessToken } = account;
try {
// make a GET request to the DRF backend
const response = await axios.get(
process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_BASE + "/api/auth/register-by-token/google-oauth2/",
access_token: accessToken
const { access, refresh } = response.data;
token = {
accessToken: access,
refreshToken: refresh,
return token
} catch (error) {
return {
error: "NewUserTokenError"
return {
error: "InvalidProviderError"
if (isJwtExpired(token.accessToken)) {
return refreshAccessToken(token)
} else {
return token
async session({ session, token }) {
session.accessToken = token.accessToken
session.refreshToken = token.refreshToken
session.error = token.error
return session
Upgrading next-auth.js
to 4.7.0
with next.js
at 12.2.0
fixed it for me.