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How to replace decltype(f()) with std::invoke_result_t, where f is a lambda with non-type template parameter?

How to replace the following with std::invoke_result_t?

decltype(f.template operator()<0>())

Here's more context:

template <size_t I, typename Functor>
consteval void apply(Functor&& f)
    using ResultType = decltype(f.template operator()<0>())>);
    // ... More stuff ...
    f.template operator()<I>());

void test() {
   apply<5>([]<auto I>() {


  • You still need decltype, because invoke_result_t requires the type of the method followed by the type of the class. But here you go:

    #include <cstddef>
    #include <type_traits>
    template <size_t I, typename Functor>
    consteval auto apply(Functor&& f)
        // using ResultType = decltype(f.template operator()<0>());
        using ResultType = std::invoke_result_t<
            decltype(&std::remove_cvref_t<Functor>::template operator()<0>),
            // ... More stuff ...
        return ResultType(f.template operator()<I>());
        apply<5>([]<auto I>() {