I am trying to make a time conversion function that takes time in as "h:mm A" and converts it to military time (HH:mm:00) in day.js, but am struggling to figure it out. I was able to complete this task without dayjs but can't quite figure it out with dayjs. Here is my attempt at it:
The 00 is there as I want the seconds to default to 00. Thank you!
function convertToMilitaryTime(formattedTime) {
if (formattedTime) { //formattedTime is 'h:mm A'
const formatted = dayjs(formattedTime, "h:mm A")
return day(formattedTime, ['h:mm A']).format("HH:mm:00")
return formattedTime;
console.log(convertToMilitaryTime("10:24 AM")); // not a valid date string
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dayjs@1.11.3/dayjs.min.js"></script>
Just prepend any date to make a valid dayjs date object
Note: this is the lazy way of allowing a time string. To adhere to the documentation of dayJS. look at the other answer
const ampm2military = ampm => ampm ? dayjs(`1/1/1 ${ampm}`).format("HH:mm:00") : null;
console.log(ampm2military("1:24 PM"));
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dayjs@1.11.3/dayjs.min.js"></script>