I need some help to figure out how to unhide/hide a group based on an activeX combo box selection.
I currently have two groups (group_1 and group_2) and a combobox (activeX) with two selections (2021-2022 and 2022-2023).
When 2021-2022 is selected from the drop down, I want group_1 to be unhidden (it is hidden by default).
When 2022-2023 is selected from the drop down, I want group_1 to be hidden and group_2 unhidden (it is hidden by default).
I am very new to VBA and have tried to put some code together for the first group and drop down selection option, but I have had no luck.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change_2()
Select Case ComboBox1.Text
Case "2021-2022"
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("group_1")
If .Visible = False Then .Visible = True Else .Visible = False
End With
End If
End Sub
Is this something that can be done?
Try this:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim txt
txt = ComboBox1.Text
With Me 'assuming this is in the worksheet code module
.Shapes("group_1").Visible = txt = "2021-2022"
.Shapes("group_2").Visible = txt = "2022-2023"
.Shapes("group_3").Visible = Len(txt) > 0 'any option selected
End With
End Sub