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Jackson polymorphic serialization: how to remove super type property wrapper?

I have this situation:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = FlyingCar.class, name = "flying_car"),
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = WaterProofPhone.class, name = "water_proof_phone"),
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ElectricBicycle.class, name = "electric_bicycle")
public abstract class Product {

and every subclass is defined like:

public class FlyingCar extends Product {
     private double verticalSpeed; 
     private String name;

When I serialize the class below, I would like to not include a product property in the json:

public class Cart {
   private long id;
   private LocalDateTime date;
   private Product product;

Example serializing this configuration:

Product product = new FlyingCar(123.5,"StarShip");
Cart cart = new Cart();

String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(cart);

Produces this json:

  "product": { <--- How can I remove this wrapper ?
      "vertical_speed": 123.5,
      "name": "StarShip"

How to simply have a json like this, without the supertype wrapper?

      "vertical_speed": 123.5,
      "name": "StarShip"

I tried the @JsonUnwrapped on product but it does not work as expected.

Thanks for your help


  • To complete @Nemanja's answer, I found a simpler solution using @JsonAnyGetter:

    public class Cart {
       private long id;
       private LocalDateTime date;
       private Product product;
       Map<String, Product> determineProduct(){
         if (this.product instanceof FlyingCar){
           return Map.of("flying_car", this.product);
         ....other type checking

    It's a bit simpler and we don't have to define a custom serializer