I wrote a program that changes my light depending on whether I'm in a meeting or not. The easiest way to detect this is to check if the microphone is on. Currently, I check if a microphone icon appears on the screen (OpenCv):
I'm sure it's not the most optimal solution. Is there any way in Java to detect the fact that a microphone is being used?
Thanks to Eskandar Abedini I was able to do it! Below is the entire code:
public enum RegistryType {
private final String pathValue;
RegistryType(String pathValue) {
this.pathValue = pathValue;
public String getNonPackagePath() {
return "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\CapabilityAccessManager\\ConsentStore\\" + pathValue + "\\NonPackaged";
public class RegistryManager {
private static final String LAST_USED_TIME_STOP = "LastUsedTimeStop";
private static final Long LAST_USED_TIME_STOP_VALUE = 0L;
private RegistryManager() {
public static boolean isMicrophoneWorking() {
return isDeviceWorking(MICROPHONE);
public static boolean isWebcamWorking() {
return isDeviceWorking(WEBCAM);
private static boolean isDeviceWorking(final RegistryType registryType) {
final String[] folders = Advapi32Util.registryGetKeys(WinReg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, registryType.getNonPackagePath());
return Arrays.stream(folders)
.map(folder -> registryType.getNonPackagePath() + "\\" + folder)
.map(register -> Advapi32Util.registryGetLongValue(WinReg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, register, LAST_USED_TIME_STOP))
.anyMatch(lastUsedTimeStop -> LAST_USED_TIME_STOP_VALUE.compareTo(lastUsedTimeStop) >= 0);
And I also had to use: https://github.com/java-native-access/jna