I am trying to prove this :
Goal forall a : R, (forall e : R, e > 0 /\ Rabs a <= e) -> a = 0.
This is what I've done so far :
Goal forall a : R, (forall e : R, e > 0 /\ Rabs a <= e) -> a = 0.
intros a H.
destruct (classic (a = 0)) as [a_eq_0 | a_neq_0].
- trivial.
- apply (Rabs_pos_lt a) in a_neq_0 as Rabs_a_gt_0.
pose (e := Rabs a / 2).
cut (Rabs a <= e).
* intro absurd_ineq.
cbv [e] in absurd_ineq.
apply (Rmult_le_compat_r (/(Rabs a))) in absurd_ineq.
unfold Rdiv in absurd_ineq.
rewrite (Rinv_r (Rabs a) (Rabs_no_R0 a a_neq_0)) in absurd_ineq.
rewrite (Rinv_r_simpl_m (Rabs a) (/2) (Rabs_no_R0 a a_neq_0)) in absurd_ineq.
With the current goal being :
2 goals
a : R
H : forall e : R, e > 0 /\ Rabs a <= e
a_neq_0 : a <> 0
Rabs_a_gt_0 : 0 < Rabs a
e := Rabs a / 2 : R
absurd_ineq : 1 <= / 2
a = 0
goal 2 is:
0 <= / Rabs a
Given absurd_ineq : 1 <= / 2
, how can I tell Coq that this comparison evaluates to False
, in order to then use the contradiction
tactic ?
I have tried using vm_compute
and cbv
in hope that absurd_ineq
is simplified, evaluated, to False
, but no chance.
The statement forall a : R, (forall e : R, e > 0 /\ Rabs a <= e) -> a = 0
wasn't the right one, forall a : R, (forall e : R, e > 0 -> Rabs a <= e) -> a = 0
Here's the proof :
Goal :
forall a : R, (forall e : R, e > 0 -> Rabs a <= e) -> a = 0.
intros a H.
destruct (classic (a = 0)) as [a_eq_0 | a_neq_0].
- trivial.
- apply (Rabs_pos_lt a) in a_neq_0 as Rabs_a_spos.
pose (e := Rabs a / 2).
cut (Rabs a <= e).
* intro absurd_ineq.
cbv [e] in absurd_ineq.
apply (Rmult_le_compat_r (/(Rabs a))) in absurd_ineq; [| lra].
unfold Rdiv in absurd_ineq.
rewrite (Rinv_r (Rabs a) (Rabs_no_R0 a a_neq_0)) in absurd_ineq.
rewrite (Rinv_r_simpl_m (Rabs a) (/2) (Rabs_no_R0 a a_neq_0)) in absurd_ineq.
* specialize (H e).
apply Rlt_gt in Rabs_a_spos.
apply Rgt_ge in Rabs_a_spos as Rabs_a_pos.
cbv [e] in *.
part of Coq's real numbers are defined axiomatically (see e.g. here: https://coq.inria.fr/stdlib/Coq.Reals.Rdefinitions.html). This means that computation does not work as straight-forwardly as it works with e.g. integers or natural numbers.
In general, I tend to use the micromega
tools for solving such trivial goals. You can find their full documentation here: https://coq.inria.fr/refman/addendum/micromega.html
I found the tactic lra
to be most helpful. For your particular example, the following code works for me:
From Coq
Require Export Reals.Reals micromega.Psatz.
Goal forall a:R, (forall e:R, Rgt e R0 /\ Rle (Rabs a) e) -> a = R0.
intros a H.
destruct (Req_dec a R0 ) as [a_eq_0 | a_neq_0].
- trivial.
- apply (Rabs_pos_lt a) in a_neq_0 as Rabs_a_gt_0.
pose (e := Rdiv (Rabs a) 2).
cut (Rle (Rabs a) e).
* intro absurd_ineq.
cbv [e] in absurd_ineq.
apply (Rmult_le_compat_r (/(Rabs a))) in absurd_ineq.
unfold Rdiv in absurd_ineq.
rewrite (Rinv_r (Rabs a) (Rabs_no_R0 a a_neq_0)) in absurd_ineq.
rewrite (Rinv_r_simpl_m (Rabs a) (/2) (Rabs_no_R0 a a_neq_0)) in absurd_ineq.
lra. lra.
* specialize (H e). lra.