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LINQ Group By Year to Form a Tree View

I am trying to create a tree view that would essentially break down like so:

- Year
  - Month
    - Related Item

So we might have the Year 2022, that has several related items within the several months.

I have created the following model:

public class TreeYear
    public string NodeYear { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedDateTime { get; set; }
    public List<TreeMonth> Months { get; set; }


public class TreeMonth
    public int MonthID { get; set; }
    public string MonthName { get; set; }
    public quoteSummary QuoteSummary{ get; set; }

I have written some code in my controller which currently returns every item like so:

  var allQuotes = QuoteSummary.ToList();

  var tree = new TreeYear();
  foreach (var quote in allQuotes)
      tree.NodeYear= quote.CreatedTime.Year.ToString();
      tree.CreatedDateTime = quote.CreatedTime;
      tree.Months = new List<TreeMonth>()
        new TreeMonth() {
        MonthID = quote.CreatedTime.Month,
        MonthName = getAbbreviatedName(quote.CreatedTime.Month),
        QuoteSummary = quote

enter image description here

But obviously over here you can see that it has all 41 records of which none are grouped up by year.

I thought maybe I could write some linq something like but at the moment incorrect:

var groups = TheResponse.Details
                  d => Int32.Parse(d.NodeYear),
                   (key, g) => g.GroupBy(
                       d => d.Months.Select(x => x.MonthID)),
                         (key2, g2) => g2.GroupBy(d => d.CreatedDateTime)

Or would I need to change the model for this idea to work?


  • If I understood your question correctly, then you need to flatten the inner list and then group by months again.

    var groups = TheResponse.Details
                            .GroupBy(d => Int32.Parse(d.NodeYear))
                            .Select(d => new 
                                       Year = d.Key,
                                       MonthObj = d.SelectMany(m => m.Months)
                                                   .GroupBy(m => m.MonthID)
                                                   .Select(x => new 
                                                              MonthID = x.Key,
                                                              RelatedItem = x.ToList()

    I have simplified it by using anonymous types, but you can obviously tweek it based on your resp. Model.