I'm being dumb here. I don't know what I'm forgetting.
I have two tables on two sheets with similar structures. I would like to have the following conditional formatting rules: -
The tables are sorted differently so I can't do a simple cell=cell comparison. I tried using the MATCH function, i.e. MATCH(blah)=0, but that didn't seem to do anything. I will eventually like to do this in VBA, but for now I just want to get the formulas correct and then I can write the code.
Basic example data below: -
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4 | Column5 |
asd | 1qa | abc | Yes | blah |
qwe | 2ws | xyz | No | foo |
zxc | 3ed | def | Yes | blah |
qwe | 4rf | ghi | Yes | foo |
asd | 2ws | ghi | Yes | blah |
rty | 2ws | abc | No | foo |
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4 |
asd | 1qa | abc | No |
qwe | 2ws | xyz | No |
asd | 2ws | ghi | Yes |
rty | 2ws | abc | Yes |
Thanks in advance.
For the first part of the question, you can use Countifs (or Match if you prefer) but must use Indirect for each table reference:
Similarly the second part formula would be
This is a bit tedious, but you can avoid the indirect by defining the structured references in the name manager (mentioned briefly here)
T1C1R2 is defined as
and T2C1 is defined as
so the first formula becomes