there's a problem here!
In my application I have a Consumer (kafka) that uses a Facade that uses a Client that calls a rest Api with RestTemplate
I want (have) to test the whole flow excluded the rest call. so I've tried to mock RestTemplate but without success -_-
here an example of my classes
public class KafkaConsumer{
@Autowired MyFacade facade;
public void onMessage(){
public class MyFacade{
@Autowired MyClient client;
public void awesomeMethod(){
public class MyClient{
@Autowired RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void callApi(){;
now I'm tring to build a test with mock but something goes wrong and RestTemplate call real server
here test class
public class MyFailTest{
@Mock RestTemplate restTemplate;
@InjectMocks MyFacade facade;
@InjectMocks MyClient client;
@InjectMocks KafkaConsumer consumer;
@Autowired KafkaProducer producer;
public void test(){
Mokito.when( ResponseEntity<Void>(HttpStatus.OK);)
producer.send("My Kafka Message");
here my test dependecies
Junit4 and Springboot 2.6.7
I think I'm failing in @Mock and @InjecMock logic, i've tried some combination of them ; ) but without success
thanks to @geobreze comment I drilled down into @MockBean. It was a way tried on my thousands tries but I copied some code without really understand what it was coping
At the end I've used @SpyBean because @MockBean mocks all methods class. To semplify implementation I've mocked Client object, exchenge of RestTemplate it is a little bit complex, I didn't want fall in other stupid error.
It is not useful declare all classes chain, so I've removed facade and I've used @autowired annotation rather than @InjectMock
here my test
public class MySuccessfullTest{
@SpyBean MyClient client;
@Autowired KafkaConsumer consumer;
@Autowired KafkaProducer producer;
public void test(){
MyClientResponse responseObject = MyClientResponse();
producer.send("My Kafka Message");