Both parameters of max are of type int, then why am I getting this error?
Code is to find maximum depth of paranthesis in a string
int maxDepth(string s) {
stack<char> stac;
int maxDepth = 0;
for(auto &elem: s) {
if(elem == '(')
else if(elem == ')')
// maxDepth = max(maxDepth, stac.size()); // this doesn't work
if(stac.size() > maxDepth) // this works, why?
maxDepth = stac.size();
return maxDepth;
The reason why your compiler reject your call to the std::max
function is because it cannot deduce the type it needs.
Below is a typical implementation of std::max
template<typename _Tp>
inline const _Tp&
max(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b)
// concept requirements
//return __a < __b ? __b : __a;
if (__a < __b)
return __b;
return __a;
Both parameters receive _Tp
but the way that template type deduction works is it evaluates the type for each of the template parameters and then compares if they match. Since one of your parameters is an int
and other is a size_t
which is an unsigned int then you will have an error.
Here's what you can do when using std::max
Cast so the parameters match:
maxDepth = max(static_cast<size_t>(maxDepth), stac.size());
Declare the type, which is also more readable:
maxDepth = max<size_t>(maxDepth, stac.size())
Regarding your own program, I advise that you change the type of maxDepth
to size_t
Also, for readability, change the function name so it does not have the same name as the variable.