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RBAC Auth Issue API - Internal Server Error

I have been trying to use RBAC checkAccess endpoint and I am receiving a 500 error - InternalServerErrror. This is what I tried:

var rbacUri ="{subId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/checkaccess?api-version=2018-09-01-preview"

var request = new RbacCheckRequest
    Subject = new RbacCheckSubject
        Attributes = new() { { "ObjectId", objectId } }
    Actions = new[]
        new RbacCheckAction
            Id = "Microsoft.Authorization/checkAccess/action"
    Resource = new RbacCheckResource
        Id = "/subscriptions/"+subscriptionId
var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(rbacUri, request, cancellationToken)

Please help. Is there any other way to verify if a certain object id has permission to perform a certain action?

I have verified the objectid has permissions via Microsoft.Authorization/permissions. But this gives all permissions for a certain objectid.


  • I had missed adding object id in attributes field under resource property, once I added it, it worked