I need to check if there are exit codes other than 0
in the JSON file below.
"domains": {
"app1": {
"status": "Running"
"app2": {
"status": "Terminated",
"exit code": 2
"app3": {
"status": "Running"
"app4": {
"status": "Running"
"app5": {
"status": "Terminated",
"exit code": 0
Upon finding exit code other than 0
, I want the Ansible task to fail. I tried the following code:
- name: Execute command to obtain json list.
command: cat test.json
register: result
- name: save the Json data to a Variable as a Fact
jsondata: "{{ result.stdout | from_json }}"
- name: Find string
when: jsondata.stdout is search('Terminated')
msg: "{{ jsondata.stdout }}"
failed_when: "{{ jsondata.stdout | jsonquery(domains.*[exit code] != 0) }}"
But, this does not seem to work.
You do have multiple issues in your failing condition:
and its *_when
derivates should never be templated — so you should get rid of the expressions delimiters {{ ... }}
on your jsondata
fact, that does not have onejson_query
, not jsonquery
, you have to reset it in order to make a subsequent filter projection: domains.* | [?my_condition]
[?"exit code"]
[?"exit code" == `0`]
[?"exit code" > `0`]
task, it is maybe better suited in your case than a debug
with a failed_when
With all this, you should end with the task:
- name: Fail when we have an abnormal exit status
msg: |-
Some process have an abnormal exit:
{{ _abnormal_exit }}
when: _abnormal_exit | length > 0
_abnormal_exit: >-
jsondata | json_query('domains.* | [?"exit code" > `0`]')
Given the two tasks:
- name: Get content of test.json
command: cat test.json
register: result
- name: Fail when we have an abnormal exit status
msg: |-
Some process have an abnormal exit:
{{ _abnormal_exit }}
when: _abnormal_exit | length > 0
_abnormal_exit: >-
| from_json
| json_query('domains.* | [?"exit code" > `0`]')
It would yield:
TASK [Get content of test.json] *****************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [Fail when we have an abnormal exit status] ************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: |-
Some process have an abnormal exit:
[{'status': 'Terminated', 'exit code': 2}]