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How to refresh Power Query using VBA?

I created a query in Power Query. What I need to do is to refresh PQ and save the Workbook upon running the macro. I've tried to do it using various macros but none of them refreshes a query. I use this macro in other Workbook - it opens given Workbook, 'refreshes' it (but it doesn't in fact because it lasts too short) and closes. Interesting thing is that when I run 'Refresh all' on Excel ribbon then PQ refreshes (all connections and quesries). However, when I use ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll then it doesn't refresh PQ at all.

Below is my macro with many ways of refreshing PQ:

Sub RefreshQuery()

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    File = "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MyFile.xlsx"
    Set MyWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(File)
    ActiveWorkbook.Queries.FastCombine = True 'ignores privacy levels on all computers
    'Refresh option #1
    'Refresh option #2
    For Each cn In ActiveWorkbook.Connections
    Next cn

    'Refresh option #3

    'Refresh option #4
    ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Query - GetStatData").Refresh

    'Refresh option #5

    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))   

End Sub


  • I have used the following to refresh PowerQuery tables:

    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("<yourworksheetname>").ListObjects("<yourtablename>") _
        .QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False