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Undefined reference using GLFW static in a shared library

I'm building a project with two major components: Game and Engine. Engine is a shared library calling most of the graphical call. That's why it's supposed to include GLFW. Then Game must include Engine. Here is the filesystem schema:

enter image description here

To build everything, i'm using premake5. Don't bother the premake folder, it's for storage purpose. Here is the premake5.lua on top of my folder:

workspace "Game"
    architecture "x64"


outputdir = "%{cfg.buildcfg}-%{cfg.system}-%{cfg.architecture}"

-- Include directories relative to root folder (solution)

include "Engine/GLFW"

project "Engine"
    location "Engine"
    kind "SharedLib"
    language "C++"

    targetdir ("bin/" .. outputdir .. "/")
    objdir ("bin-int/" .. outputdir .. "/")

    pchheader "Egpch.h"
    pchsource "Egpch.cpp"




    filter "system:linux"
        cppdialect "C++17"
        staticruntime "On"
        links { 

    filter "system:windows"
        cppdialect "C++17"
        staticruntime "On"
        systemversion "latest"
        links { "OpenGL32" }

    filter "configurations:Debug"
        defines "EG_DEBUG"
        symbols "On"
    filter "configurations:Release"
        defines "EG_RELEASE"
        optimize "On"

    filter "configurations:Dist"
        defines "EG_DIST"
        optimize "On"

project "Game"
    location "Game"
    kind "ConsoleApp"
    language "C++"

    targetdir ("bin/" .. outputdir .. "/")
    objdir ("bin-int/" .. outputdir .. "/")




    filter "system:linux"
        cppdialect "C++17"
        staticruntime "On"

    filter "system:windows"
        cppdialect "C++17"
        staticruntime "On"
        systemversion "latest"


    filter "configurations:Debug"
        defines "EG_DEBUG"
        symbols "On"
    filter "configurations:Release"
        defines "EG_RELEASE"
        optimize "On"

    filter "configurations:Dist"
        defines "EG_DIST"
        optimize "On"

And i've also a premake file in my GLFW folder:

project "GLFW"
    kind "StaticLib"
    language "C"

    targetdir ("bin/" .. outputdir .. "/%{}")
    objdir ("bin-int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{}")


    filter "system:windows"
        systemversion "latest"
        staticruntime "On"


    filter "system:linux"
        pic "On"
        systemversion "latest"
        staticruntime "On"



    filter "configurations:Debug"
        runtime "Debug"
        symbols "On"
    filter "configurations:Release"
        runtime "Release"
        optimize "on"

And i can't find why i have these undefined reference when linking Game:

==== Building GLFW (debug) ====
==== Building Engine (debug) ====
Linking Engine
==== Building Game (debug) ====
Linking Game
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `_glfwPlatformLoadModule'
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `pthread_key_create'
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `pthread_getspecific'
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `_glfwSelectPlatform'
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `pthread_key_delete'
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `_glfwPlatformFreeModule'
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `_glfwPlatformGetModuleSymbol'
/usr/bin/ld: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/ undefined reference to `pthread_setspecific'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [Makefile:91: ../bin/Debug-linux-x86_64/Game] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:51: Game] Error 2

If someone has an idea?

---EDIT:--- So i found that i made a dumb mistake in the premake inside my GLFW folder. Forget some necessary files which explain the undefined reference of all _glfw call. I've still the undefined reference for the pthread library. I'm looking to it.


  • I find thanks to kiner_shah hint that the problem come from the library. In fact, i'm using GLFW as a static library, so all the dependent library doesn't come with it. I needed to add these libraries for linux:

    links { "glfw", "Xrandr", "Xi", "GLU", "GL", "X11", "dl", "pthread", "stdc++fs", }