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Modified data when using sqlite3

I'm a discord bot developer and I use an SQLite database for my bot. I installed sqlite3 by npm command and I worked with it, there was no problem, but now I can't use it because it modifies values. I have a bit of code here:

const ghostChannels = await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
  client.db.all(`SELECT * FROM "Ghosts"`, (err, rows) =>
    err ? reject(err) : resolve(rows)
ghostChannels.forEach(async (channel) => {
  const guildchannel = await message.member.guild.channels.cache.get(
  const mess = await guildchannel.send(message.member);
  await mess.delete();

Unfortunately it returns an error:

Uncaught TypeError TypeError: channel.send is not a function

enter image description here

So I looked at the id, and saw that it's not the same ID as in the database:

enter image description here

I don't know how to fix it, so if someone knows, tell me :)


  • The problem is that you try to store snowflakes as integers (e.g. 988185997772738610), while you should store them as strings ("988185997772738610"). As these IDs are greater than 53 bits (MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), JavaScript has difficulty interpreting them. It can only safely represent integers between -(253 - 1) and 253 - 1.

    Max safe integer 9007199254740992
    Your integer 988185997772738610
    Your integer becomes 988185997772738600

    As you can see, every discord ID/snowflake's last two digits become 0 if they're stored as integers. You can even try it below:

    // => 988185997772738600
    // => "988185997772738610"

    So to solve your problem, make sure you insert the channel (and other) IDs as strings into the database.