I have a webinar that runs every 15 minutes of every hour of the day (EG: 11:00, 11:15, 11:30 & 11:45).
I'd like a countdown timer that shows the remaining minutes until the next start time and all I can find from days of searches and trying to figure this out myself is an hourly countdown.
My question is, how do I update this code for be every 15 minutes not every 60.
/* Return minutes and seconds to next hour
** @returns {Object} minutes: minutes remaining
** seconds: seconds remaining
function getTimeRemaining() {
var t = Date.now();
var seconds = (60 - Math.floor(t % 6e4 / 1e3)) % 60;
var minutes = 60 - Math.ceil(t % 3.6e6 / 6e4) + (seconds? 0:1);
return {
'minutes': ('0' + minutes).slice(-2),
'seconds': ('0' + seconds).slice(-2) };
// Simple show remaining function
function showRemaining() {
var r = getTimeRemaining();
document.getElementById('clock').textContent = (r.minutes + ':' + ('0' + r.seconds).slice(-2));
// Run again just after next full second
setTimeout(showRemaining, 1020 - (Date.now() % 1000));
That solution seems overly complicated and you should be definitely using setInterval
for a task where you have to update something every x seconds, recursively calling setTimeout
is a bad idea. Here is a solution that is much more understandable:
const runEvery = 15 * 60; // 15 minutes in seconds
const showRemaining = () => {
// get current time in seconds and find when the next run starts in seconds
const seconds = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000);
const nextRun = runEvery * Math.ceil(seconds / runEvery);
const timeLeft = nextRun - seconds;
const minutesLeft = Math.floor(timeLeft / 60);
const secondsLeft = timeLeft % 60;
document.getElementById('clock').textContent = minutesLeft + ':' + ('0' + secondsLeft).slice(-2);
setInterval(showRemaining, 1000);
<div id="clock"></div>