I have a Jupyter notebook running within an Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab
(https://studiolab.sagemaker.aws/) environment, and I want to use Tensordboard to monitor my model's performance inside the notebook.
I have used the following commands to set up the Tensorboard:
%load_ext tensorboard
# tb_log_dir variable holds the path to the log directory
%tensorboard --logdir tb_log_dir
But nothing shows up in the output of the cell where I execute the commands. See:
The two buttons shown in the picture are not responding, BTW.
How to solve this problem? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I would try the canonical way to use tensorboard in AWS Sagemaker, it should be supported also by Studio Lab, it is described here. Basically install tensorboard and using the EFS_PATH_LOG_DIR
launch tensorboard using the embedded console (you can do the following also from a cell):
pip install tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir <EFS_PATH_LOG_DIR>
Be careful with the EFS_PATH_LOG_DIR, be sure this folder is valida path from the location you are, for example by default you are located in studio-lab-user/sagemaker-studiolab-notebooks/
so the proper command would be !tensorboard --logdir logs/fit
Then open a browser to:
https://<YOUR URL>/studiolab/default/jupyter/proxy/6006/