I am trying to display the end of day (eod) stock price for a share (Lloyds Bank) for a school project.
I have an account with marketstack.com who provide the API. The URL request works well, but I would really love some help helping me display this on a page.
The URL is: https://api.marketstack.com/v1/tickers/LLOY.XLON/eod/latest?access_key=YOUR_API_KEY
(I've removed my API key).
This returns the following:
Marketstack have provided the following example jQuery code as a demo.
url: 'https://api.marketstack.com/v1/tickers/aapl/eod',
data: {
access_key: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
dataType: 'json',
success: function(apiResponse) {
if (Array.isArray(apiResponse['data'])) {
apiResponse['data'].forEach(stockData => {
console.log(`Ticker ${stockData['symbol']}`,
`has a day high of ${stockData['high']},
`on ${stockData['date']}`);
How do I make the API call, get the 'close' value and get it as a var object so I can display in on my page?
Thank you for your help - I hope to help others with their code someday!
Updated code below:
url: 'https://api.marketstack.com/v1/tickers/NWG.XLON/eod/latest',
data: {
access_key: 'b391c31dfc8a648bd50b9b0befc8bec7'},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(apiResponse)
{if (Array.isArray(apiResponse['data'])) {
apiResponse['data'].forEach(stockData => {
console.log(`Ticker ${stockData.symbol}, has a day high of ${stockData.high}, on ${stockData.date}`);
Removed the {if (Array.isArray
url: 'https://api.marketstack.com/v1/tickers/NWG.XLON/eod/latest',
data: {
access_key: 'b391c31dfc8a648bd50b9b0befc8bec7'},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(apiResponse)
Your logic is correct. The issue you have is that your syntax around the template literal is incorrect. You have used too many `
characters. It's clearer to see this if you keep the literal on a single line.
// mock response:
let apiResponse = {"pagination":{"limit":100,"offset":0,"count":1,"total":1},"data":[{"open":42.4,"high":43.575,"low":42.195,"close":43.395,"volume":139808684.0,"adj_high":null,"adj_low":null,"adj_close":43.395,"adj_open":null,"adj_volume":null,"split_factor":1.0,"dividend":0.0,"symbol":"LLOY.XLON","exchange":"XLON","date":"2022-06-24T00:00:00+0000"}]}
// inside AJAX succes handler:
if (Array.isArray(apiResponse['data'])) {
apiResponse['data'].forEach(stockData => {
console.log(`Ticker ${stockData.symbol}, has a day high of ${stockData.high}, on ${stockData.date}`);