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The unparsed-text() function doesn't work when Saxon 11 is run from ANT

I'm using Saxon 11 from ANT. XSLT transformation works, except that the unparsed-text() function triggers a fatal error. Error message:

Resolver for unparsed-text() returned non-StreamSource;

Software: SaxonEE11-3J, Ant 1.10.3, Java openjdk win64, Windows 10 Pro

Ant code:

<path id="xslt.saxonEE.classpath">
    <fileset dir="D:/SaxonEE11-3J">
        <include name="*.jar"/>

<target name="target-test">
    <xslt in="C:/input.xml" style="D:/test.xsl" out="C:/test.xml" force="true" processor="trax">
        <classpath refid="xslt.saxonEE.classpath"/>
        <factory name="com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseTransformerFactory">
            <attribute name="" value="true"/>
            <!--<attribute name="" value="net.sf.saxon.lib.StandardUnparsedTextResolver"/>-->


  • As Mike observes, the XSLT 1.0 based interfaces are getting a bit long in the tooth. However, I think it would probably be possible to support this request. I've opened bug 5582 to track it.