I am trying to create a Postman pre-requisite script by converting the below TS code.
import crypto from 'crypto';
const createTestingUserHash = (emailAddress: string, timestamp: string, salt: string) =>
export const getLoginLink = async (email: string): Promise<string | undefined> =>
const currentTimeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
const testingHash = createTestingUserHash(email, currentTimeStamp, testingUserSalt);
My Postman script:
const crypto = require('crypto-js');
const signToken = () => {
const timestamp = "2022-06-23T14:51:34.694Z";
const salt = "salt_value";
const email = "testing@test.io";
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(`testinguserhash::${emailAddress}::${timestamp}::${salt}`).digest("base64");
return (hash);
const signedToken = signToken();
console.log(`successfully generated hash : ${signedToken}`)
I also tried var hash = crypto.createHmac('SHA256', "secret").update("Message").digest('base64');
but Postman throws a similar error.
Can someone help me build this script?
crypto-js has a completely different but well documented interface compared to node.js crypto library
The equivalent crypto-js code is
const crypto = require('crypto-js');
const signToken = () => {
const timestamp = "2022-06-23T14:51:34.694Z";
const salt = "salt_value";
const emailAddress = "testing@test.io";
return crypto.SHA256(`testinguserhash::${emailAddress}::${timestamp}::${salt}`).toString(crypto.enc.Base64);
const signedToken = signToken();
console.log(`successfully generated hash : ${signedToken}`)