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Why I do not see any nodes in kubernetes cluster with role master or worker?

I did kubeadm init on one machine. I followed all the instructions on network etc and end up with this:

kubectl get nodes:

NAME              STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
slchvdvcybld001   Ready    control-plane   140m   v1.24.2
slchvdvcydtb001   Ready    <none>          136m   v1.24.2
slchvdvcytst001   Ready    <none>          137m   v1.24.2

As you can see, no nodes are Master or worker or similar.

I don't have some special setup, all I did is install it and did init.

There are no errors in logs file. Dashboard is in GREEN and everything is in green.

These are versions of kubectl and so on:

Client Version: v1.24.2
Kustomize Version: v4.5.4
Server Version: v1.24.2


  • Labelling of master node is deprecated. That's where when using kubectl get nodes its showing role as "control-plane" instead of "control-plane,master"

    More details are in following link Kubeadm: