A simple query
=QUERY(data, query, [headers])
I would like to externalize a QUERY, to make it global.
The QUERY is used as data within other subsequent queries
Such as
=QUERY2(QUERY1(data, query, [headers]), query, [headers])
=QUERY2(A1, query, [headers])
Where, as a string
A1 = "QUERY1(data, query, [headers])"
I've tried
=QUERY2("'&A1&'", query, [headers])
But it doesn't work.
formula (in your case the subquery) written as a text string cannot be converted into actual formula or range without a script that turns plain text string into a fully functional formula. google sheets in the current operating version does not possess an internal mechanism that would read the formula like below, and render it as a function
=QUERY("QUERY(data, query, [headers])", query, [headers])
an example of the script would be:
function onEdit() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var src = sheet.getRange("C4"); // The cell which holds the formula
var str = src.getValue();
var cell = sheet.getRange("C5"); // The cell where I want the results to be
cell.setFormula(str); // Setting the formula.
but then C4 would need to be written as:
="=QUERY("&A1&", ""select *"", 1)"