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How to select distinct values and their occurences from a table in oracle?

I have a table with the following data example:

id first_numbers second_numbers
12 111 112
12 111 123
12 111 122
12 110 123
13 100 null
13 100 101
13 112 999
13 null 999

The expected result which I want is the following:

id first_numbers counts second_numbers counts
12 111 3 112 1
12 110 1 123 2
12 null null 122 1
13 100 2 101 1
13 112 1 999 2


  • Your question is not relational. You are treating table values as if they were a flat text file or Excel sheet. I would recommend you review relational concepts and normalization.

    Anyway, you can twist SQL's hand to do what you want, but it's not a natural solution. For example, you can do:

      coalesce(, as id,
      coalesce(x.r, y.r) as r,
      x.f, x.c,
      y.s, y.c
    from (
      select id, f, count(*) as c,
      row_number() over(partition by id order by f) as r from t group by id, f
    ) x
    full join (
      select id, s, count(*) as c,
      row_number() over(partition by id order by s) as r from t group by id, s
    ) y on = and y.r = x.r
    where f is not null or s is not null
    order by id, r


     ID  R  F    C  S    C 
     --- -- ---- -- ---- - 
     12  1  110  1  112  1 
     12  2  111  3  122  1 
     12  3          123  2 
     13  1  100  2  101  1 
     13  2  112  1  999  2 

    See running example at db<>fiddle.