I made a java library that has component and configuration classes.
When I use the library in other spring boot services, the beans are not registered because the component and configuration classes are not in the classpath.
I know we can use @ComponentScan but I don't want to change the service's code. Is there a way of adding the classes to the classpath using application.properties? Or is there anything I can do in the library so that the beans get registered?
If you are using Spring Boot, you can take advantage of Spring Autoconfiguration.
For that, you need to place a file spring.factories
in META-INF/spring.factories
in your library's .jar file. If you are using Gradle or Maven as a build tool and the standard folder structure, the file path is src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories
Here's an example from a library I wrote:
As you can see, after the first, Spring specific line, you list all of your configuration classes.
You can learn more about autoconfiguration here, for example.