How can I attribute such code to a html tag?
It's a attr ===>>> data-kt-drawer-activate="{default: true, lg: false}"
I tried the following method but I get an error:
newAside.setAttribute("data-kt-drawer-activate", "{default: true, lg: false}" );
On this current page, I ran your code as below:
let newAside= document.querySelector("#question > div > > div.mb0 > div")
newAside.setAttribute("data-kt-drawer-activate", "{default: true, lg: false}" );
output: <div class="mt16 d-flex gs8 gsy fw-wrap jc-end ai-start pt4 mb16" data-kt-drawer-activate="{default: true, lg: false}">...
so setting attribute part of your code works. I think problem occurs when you are selecting the element